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(Muster)Protestbriefe an die chinesische Regierung und den Allchinesischen Gewerkschaftsbund wegen der Repression gegen die Basis-Gewerkschafter von Jasic in Shenzhen

Solidaritätsaktion mit den Jasic Gewerkschaftern in Hongkong am 31.7.2018Aktivisten der sich in China weiter ausbreitenden Solidaritätsbewegung mit den Jasic-Gewerkschaftern und ihren UnterstützerInnen haben nun zwei „Modellbriefe“ (auch auf englisch) entworfen, mit denen der der Regierung der VR China und beim Gewerkschaftsbund ACFTU gegen die Repression gegen die Basis-Gewerkschafter protestiert werden kann – und soll. Darin wird die sofortige Freilassung aller noch Inhaftierter Aktiver ebenso gefordert, wie die Einstellung aller Verfahren gegen sie. In dem Brief an den Gewerkschaftsbund ACFTU wird darauf verwiesen, dass es Aufgabe des Gewerkschaftsbundes sei, den Artikel 3 des Gewerkschaftsgesetzes von 1992 zu verteidigen – der eindeutig bestimmt, dass die Belegschaften sich in Gewerkschaften ihrer Wahl organisieren können. Nichts anderes haben die KollegInnen bei Jasic getan. Außerdem wird der ACFTU in dem Modellbrief daran erinnert, dass die Föderation – als Mitglied der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation ILO – deren § 87 und 98 verteidigen müsse, die die Organisations- und Verhandlungsfreiheit bestimmen. In dem Brief an den Ministerpräsidenten der VR China wird die Freilassung und die Niederschlagung der Verfahren ebenso gefordert, wie die Unterlassung aller sonstigen Maßnahmen, die der Einschränkung der persönlichen Freiheit der Betroffenen dienen – und auch darauf verwiesen, dass im Gewerkschaftsgesetz von 1992 mehrere Artikel enthalten sind, die der Gewerkschaftsfreiheit widersprechen, wie sie von internationalen Organisationen, der die VR China angehört, gefordert und verteidigt wird. Wir dokumentieren die beiden (englischen) Briefe und rufen dazu auf, sie zu unterzeichnen und verschicken!

Model Letter to ACFTU

[Your organization’s name]
[Your organization’s address]
[Today’s date]

Chairman Wang Dongming
All-China Federation of Trade Union
10 Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District,Beijing,
Peoples’ Republic of China100865
Email: info@acftu.org.cn

Mr. Wang,

Regarding the arrests and detentions of a number of Shenzhen Jasic Technology Co., Ltd. workers in Guangdong province on July 27 2018, westrongly condemn the abuse of state power to repress and prevent Chinese workers from pursuing their fundamental labour rights, including the rights to freedom of association.
Since July 27, 2018, at least twenty nine workers, including current and former Jasic Technology employees and workers from other workplaces who came to support them,were arrested and detained by the Pingshan police in Shenzhen, fourteen of whom are either remain in detention or cannot be contacted.  We would like to express our deep concern to their current conditions and query the legitimacy of their respective arrests.  By establishing their own trade union to defend their labour rights in a lawful manner, the arrested workers are merely exercising their rights to freedom of association as guaranteed by Article 3 of the 1992 China Trade Union Law.  Thus, such arbitrary arrests and detentions are blatant violations of their basic labour and civil rights.
The All-China Federation of Trade Unions, as a titular member of the Workers Group, International Labour Organization, should defend the ILO fundamental labour rights including workers’ rights to freedom of association and rights to collective bargaining, as entrenched in the ILO Convention 87 and 98. We urge the ACFTU take immediate actions to:

  1. Call on the Chinese Government to immediately release all the aforementioned arrested JASIC workers and to remove all restrictions placed on their personal freedom;
  2. Respect and protect the aforementioned JASIC workers’ rights to freedom of association;
  3. Assist the aforementioned JASIC workers to establish a trade union of their own choosing.

Sincerely, [Your name] [Your position]

Model Letter to the Government of PR China

[Your organization’s name]
[Your organization’s address]
[Today’s date]

Premier Li Keqiang
The State Council of the People’s Republic of China
No. 8, Yuetan South Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Peoples’ Republic of China100017
Email: premier@mail.gov.cn

Premier Li,

I am writing to you on behalf of [Name of Organization], to strongly condemn the arrests and detentions of a number of Shenzhen Jasic Technology Co., Ltd. workers in Guangdong province on July 27 2018.
We would like to express our deep concern to their current conditions and query the legitimacy of their respective arrests.  By establishing their own trade union to defend their labour rights in a lawful manner, the arrested workers are merely exercising their rights to freedom of association as guaranteed by Article 3 of the 1992 China Trade Union Law.  Thus, such arbitrary arrests and detentions are blatant violations of their basic labour and civil rights.
The right to freedom of association is protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 20). And according to Article 2 of International Labour Organization Convention No. 87, workers shall have the right to establish and to join organizations of their own choosing without previous authorisation.  As a member of the United Nations and ILO, the People’s Republic of China is obliged to respect and observe the basic principles of freedom of association.  Regrettably, your government’s recent exercise of state power to suppress the aforementioned workers to organize their own union in accordance with the law and instructions from the upper-level union demonstrated a contrary to such principles.  Moreover, we regard Article 9, 10, & 11 of the 1992 China Trade Union Law is in itself a violation of freedom of association.  Under such stipulations, trade unions are impossible to be organized independently in accordance to the principles as laid down by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Convention No. 87.
Under such circumstances, we would like to call on the Chinese Government to:
To immediately release all the aforementioned arrested JASIC workers and their supporters;

  1. To drop all criminal charges on the aforementioned arrested JASIC workers and their supporters;
  2. To remove all measures placed on the aforementioned arrested JASIC workers and their supporters that may restrict their civil liberty.
  3. To allow the aforementioned JASIC workers to form trade union without any state hindrance.

Sincerely, [Your name] [Your position]

Kurzlink: https://www.labournet.de/?p=136438
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