Großbritannien »

Angriffe auf die Lohnfortzahlung und Gesundheitsschutz sowie Entlassung eines widerständigen Gewerkschafters bei Ikea in Großbritannien rufen breite Proteste hervor

Angriffe auf die Lohnfortzahlung und Gesundheitsschutz sowie Entlassung eines widerständigen Gewerkschafters bei Ikea in Großbritannien rufen breite Proteste hervorThis is a campaign page set up by workers furious at the victimisation and sacking of the elected USDAW shop steward and convener in IKEA Glasgow, RICHIE VENTON, and IKEA’s attacks on workers’ rights and conditions, including removal of wages from workers off sick with COVID-19. Richie has been singled out and sacked for standing up for the health, safety and lives of workers he represents, demanding safety measures and full average pay for all workers sick or self-isolating with the killer virus. He is the first trade unionist in Scotland to be sacked by employers in disputes over workers’ safety from the Coronavirus. Since sacking him, IKEA have imposed even worse cutbacks, including on company sick benefit, putting far more workers on just £95 Statutory Sick Pay, which could force some to continue working because of hardship, spreading the virus, endangering lives. This campaign is to reinstate Richie to his job and his elected union position; to win full average wages for all COVID-sick workers, in IKEA and every other workplace; and to stop employers making £billions in profit but endangering workers’ lives by expecting them to survive on £95-a-week Statutory Sick Pay…“ Kampagnenseite Reinstate Richie Venton externer Link zur Petition externer Link: „IKEA workers need YOUR support: Demand Ikea reinstate Richie Venton and reinstate sick workers’ wages“. Nach diverse Aktionen gegen den Rauswurf von Richie Venton wurde für den 8. Oktober zu Demonstrationen aufgerufen, die Aktionen sollen auf IKEA in anderen Länder ausgeweitet werden – siehe bei Twitter #ReinstateRichieVenton und den Aktions-Account @ReinstateRV

Kurzlink: https://www.labournet.de/?p=179277
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