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Proteststreik italienischer Basisgewerkschaften: Gegen die Bedingungen bei der Eisenbahn

Eisenbahnstreik Italien 2013Sowohl Fracht als auch Personenzüge werden in Italien vom 23. bis 25. Oktober 2015 bestreikt werden – organisiert von den beiden Basisgewerkschaften CUB Trasporti und CAT. Der Streik richtet sich sowohl gegen die Arbeitsbedingungen bei der FS, die seit Jahren verschlechtert werden, als auch gegen die neuerlichen Pläne der Regierung Renzi, den Kurs auf Privatisierung der Bahn zu verstärken. Der Erklärung „ITALIAN RAILWAY WORKERS STRIKE AND ADHERENCE TO INTERNATIONAL STRUGGLE WEEK“ vom 10. Oktober 2015 unterstreicht bereits in der Überschrift, dass diese Streikaktion auch ganz bewußt in die internationale Protestwoche eingereiht wird, zu der das Netzwerk Alternativer Gewerkschaften für Solidarität und Kampf für den Oktober 2015 aufgerufen hat.


„Cub Trasporti“ italian Railway workers, together with CAT unions workers, will strike 23, 24 and 25 October 2015 and adhere to the INTERNATIONAL STRUGGLE WEEK proclaimed by the International  Trade Union Network for Solidarity and struggle, against the policies of workers and resources exploitation, that are starving the people of around the world and destroying protection and rights, for the cynicism of big economic and financial oligarchies.

We also adhere to the mobilization to fight the repression of legitimate dissent that worldwide, affects democracy activists and free thinkers who do not yield to the regimes arrogance.

– The railway freight transport workers, will strike the day of 23 October

– The railway passenger transport workers, will strike 24 hours from 21 of 24 \ 10 \ 2015 at 21 of the 25 \ 10 \ 2015

We strike against grueling pace of work and inhuman pension scheme, which provides pension rights beyond the average life expectancy, for many categories of railway workers.

We strike against the prospect of a new downward national work contract and the project of wild privatization of the sector FS, designed by the Italian government, which wants to cancel workers rights, destining to starvation wages, without protections.

We strike against the shameful agreements on representation, agreed from Italian companies and complicit unions,  that allow only connive unions, that accept self-limitation of the right to strike, to represent workers in the jobs provided; this measure will cancel democracy for workers and will destroy expression right and freedom to dissent.

We strike against the proposed cancellation of the right to strike made by the Italian Government, in agreement with the regime unions.

We strike for job security, in support of workers sanctioned and fired for their battles.

We strike against exploitation and precariousness of job rules, worsen by latest government measures; we strike against public transport and essential public services privatization and dismantle.

We strike for our future.

CUB Trasporti (Italia), CAT

Kurzlink: https://www.labournet.de/?p=87933
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